Online Registration and OneDB

Online Registration
EDS online registration brings the security, simplicity, speed, and ease of use of EDS’s revolutionary late registration system to online registration.

As with all EDS solutions, special attention is paid to the user experience. It must be fast and efficient as well as easy to use and look at. No advertising or re-selling of your valuable data; just registration pure and simple.

With the release of EDS online registration, EDS will be able to keep all of your registration data in one database from the very first online entry to the very last race day entry.

Forget having to hand enter late registration data.
Forget having to manage and merge multiple registrant databases.
Forget transcription errors.
Forget making updates in multiple databases.
Forget problems with multiple site registration and packet pick up.
Automate your packet pick up seamlessly.

Imagine all of your data in one database.

They way it should be.

To request more information on any EDS service or to set up a customized demo or request pricing, please contact us.
