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Ninja Box Timing Set Up
Timing Line Configurations
Feibot Mat Folding - Ankle Tags
Feibot Field Strength Diagram
Ninja Box Timing Set Up
Timing Line Configurations
Feibot Mat Folding - Ankle Tags
Feibot Field Strength Diagram

Feibot timing mats have an antenna element in every other section of the foldable mat, represented on the diagram by the color orange.

While this works fine for bib tags since the RFID field builds wider while going higher to cover all of the read space over the mats.

With ankle straps, this presents an issue as runners can go directly over a mat section without an element and the ankle tag never enters and RFID field to power up and read.

To solve this, angling the two outer antenna elements in by propping them upright causes the RFID to extend across the mat sections at a lower level.